How you can support me...

I do not expect everyone to be able to support me through Direct Donations / PayPal or my Patreon Campaign whatever support you do give, I appreciate it all very much <3

One of the easiest ways to support me is through word of mouth. Tell your friends, family, colleagues, share or Re-Tweet my YouTube Video Content. Give my YouTube videos a Thumbs Up or Subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

Follow me on Twitch, or watch and follow AvidyaZEN and our Minescraft Skyblock Live episodes.

For those wanting to have a direct input into supporting what I do, here are some options for you.

Phedran on YouTube Watch / LIke / Share / Subscribe to my YouTube Channel

Watch Phedran Live on Twitch Streaming Follow me and watch my streams live on Twitch

Support Phedran through Patreon and join the Phederation Become a Patron and join the Phederation through my Patreon Campaign

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AboutIndie-focused Youtuber & Twitch Streamer

A passion for roguelikes and adventure!
Game coverage matchmaker for developers and content creators alike.

I am also the Life in the Woods modpack creator.

Contact me / Write to meTwitter is the easist and quickest way

Write to me, or send letters or fan art to:.
